Welcome back to the blog here at Event Game Shows! It’s post-Labor Day, which means that schools are back in session all over the country. Now that all of our students have arrived and are getting settled into their routines, it’s time to ensure you have a semester event itinerary ready to go so that your first years and returning students alike have things to do. Why not try out our Halloween Game Show?
Remember, now is the time to plan! You don’t want to be a few days ahead of an event and find yourself calling around trying to find availability, only to be turned down because organizers are booked. Take the time now to avoid that problem! For example, take a look at our Halloween Game Show offering below!
Alright, Website, I’m Convinced. What Do You Have To Offer?
Here at Event Game Shows, we have a huge selection of game shows available for you to choose from. Our most popular Halloween Game Show is Hallowingo! Hallowingo is a Halloween-focused bingo game that is easy to understand and fun to play.

The rules are simple, especially if you’re familiar with Playlist Bingo or our other bingo games. But if you need a refresher- no worries. We have you covered! The game is played by our professional comedian host playing a part of a song. Songs range from monster smash hits to haunted beats! If you have the song on your card, mark it off.
Once you’ve marked off 5 in a row, column or diagonal, announce “Hallowingo,” and you win! Easy enough to understand and incredibly fun to play.
The best part? The winner gets $200 in CASH prizes. And, we play multiple rounds, so there are a few chances to win!
Kickstart Your Halloween-Themed Game Show!
Halloween time is rapidly approaching! Don’t forget to plan your budget, get your events set and be hassle-free. Reserve your Halloween game show today! EGS is your home for the best game show experience.
Meet our hosts! These professional comedians are eager to host your live-in-person game show and can’t wait to distribute those prizes!
Stay up to date with our blog so you don’t miss a thing! You can also find us on Facebook. While you’re here, check out our whole lineup of game shows on our Trivia Game Shows page, Bingo Game Show page, and Game Shows Seen on TV.
Only trust the best name in college or corporate entertainment to ensure everyone’s rolling with laughter. Check out our Corporate Game Shows page to see some reviews from previous clients or check out a wider array of testimonials here. Here at EGS, we KNOW the art of the show, and we ALWAYS bring the dough! Make sure to call us at 800-993-6366 or by filling out an online contact form to bring our holiday-themed game shows, or any of our other shows, to your business or college event.
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