Get your tissues ready. The man, the myth, the legend Alex Trebek has entertained the country for over 3 decades. Millions of people all over the world were inspired by the Great Trebek, ourselves included. Who knows if Event Game Shows would even exist without the great ones like Alex Trebek.

What is- The Final Episode

Last week marked the final episode that Alex shot, and if you were watching, you got to see the final tribute video shown. If not, here it is.

Truly remarkable to see someone do something so great, for so long. The man was on the air so long that 3 or even 4 generations could sit down and enjoy his presence. He essentially became a part of each and every American household that ever watched one episode, or even struggled to mutter a broken wrong answer before the buzzer sounded..

Who Is – Ken Jennings?

If you’re a fan of the show, you’ve probably heard of the new host already. The savant who took on IBM Watson Ken Jennings is the new host of the show, and his first crack at replacing Trebek came this week. Before you go dismissing Jennings as not good enough, know that he probably agrees. He was clear in saying there will never be another Alex Trebek, but the best way to honor his legacy would be to keep playing.

“Not many things in life are perfect, but Alex did this job pretty much perfectly for more than 36 years, and it was even better up close. We were dazzled by his intelligence, charm and grace.”He continued: “Like all ‘Jeopardy!’ fans, I miss Alex very much and I thank him for everything he did for all of us. Let’s be totally clear: No one will ever replace the great Alex Trebek. But we can honor him by playing the game he loved.”

Staying Alive Since 1983

Though Alex is no longer with us, it can not be overstated the impact he had on us as Americans. Who doesn’t remember Jeopardy day at school? Who doesn’t remember the feeling of ACTUALLY getting a question right? Who doesn’t love hearing that DAILY DOUBLE sound byte? Even for Jennings, it’s still all surreal.

“Sharing this stage with Alex Trebek was one of the greatest honors of my life,” Jennings said.

He even managed to get his hands on a ticket from the first ever show.. for good luck.

When his first show started, it too started with a tribute. You can watch the first episode of Jennings’ RIGHT HERE. Cue the music…

We couldn’t do what we do and not at least touch on this changing of the guard here on our blog. Stay tuned to the blog for more and more interesting game show news, info on newest and best game shows, FAQs and much more! If you are a school or organization don’t forget to check out our virtual game shows to learn how you can have your own game show!